Prepare Your Tyres Before Your Next Caravan & Camping Trip
6th Apr 2022
Having the right tyres is one thing, but keeping them in good condition is another. It's vital to make tyre checks before you venture off to your next Caravan or Camping trip and don't have to feel the disappointment of a flat tyre. Unclean tyres, inflated tyres, worn-out tyres and missing valve caps can all affect your driving experience, so we've put together a list of essential steps to prepare your tyres for your next Caravan or Camping trip.

Keeping your tyres clean makes it easier to inspect their wear and tear. Having clean vehicle tyres will allow enhanced braking and better traction, thus, preventing accidents or losing control of the car, especially when towing. If you allow dust or dirt to remain on the tyres, it can also easily eat away the coating and the pit of the metal. You can keep your tyres clean by pre-rinsing them with a pressure washer, applying a degreaser, agitating the degreaser with a tyre brush and then cleaning off all the dirt with a final power wash. We recommend doing this at least once fortnightly to keep them looking great and performing at their best.

Adhering to the recommended tyre pressure is suggested when using your vehicle for general commuting purposes. However, you may need to adjust your tyre pressure slightly before your next if you're planning to tow a Caravan or Camper Trailer. You'll find the correct inflation pressure information in several places, including your vehicle handbook, the inside of the fuel cap or on a plate on the driver's door area. If there's no indication of special towing recommendations, the general rule of thumb is to set the pressure of your rear car tyres at full load pressure, with an added 4 to 7 PSI if there's no difference between normal and fully laden driving. We recommend checking car tyre pressure before your next Caravan or Camping trip.

For a vehicle to be deemed roadworthy in Australia, it needs to have a minimum of 1.6mm of tread depth across the tyre. However, once a tyre reaches 3mm of tread depth, its wet weather and braking performance is significantly reduced. Poor control in wet weather is just one of the dangers of worn tyres, including unresponsive handling and increased loss of air pressure. To check your tyre's tread depth, all you need is an Australian 20 cent coin. Place it in the central circumferential groove of your tyre, and if the tread doesn't reach the bill of the platypus, your tyre has less than 3mm of tread remaining then it's time to invest in some new tyres to ensure you stay safe while driving.

Most slow tyre leaks go unnoticed simply because they are hard to hear. These kinds of leaks are the main culprit for overnight flat tyres. Using soapy water is the easier way to spot these leaks. Mix dishwashing detergent with warm water and pour the mix over every part of the tyre. You may need to move the car forward or backward to ensure you have inspected all parts of the tyre. If any area starts to bubble, that indicates a leak. We recommend doing a leak check before your Caravan or Camping trip so you can use your spare tyre if needed.

These small metal caps on your tyres may look insignificant, but they are essential in keeping any water and foreign substances off your tyres. They also maintain your tyre pressure, and without them, a slow leak would occur. If you're missing any, go to your local auto parts shop and purchase a new one.
Now you can feel more confident regarding your vehicle’s tyres when heading out on your next Caravan or Camping trip. Ensure to perform these tyre maintenance checks on a regular basis and especially prior to your drive. Safe Travels!