When you’re at a barbeque or picnic, are you the mosquito magnet? While everyone else is chatting happily, you’re slapping yourself silly trying to keep the mozzies at bay? Instead of drenching yourself in smelly chemical spray, you can switch on your own personal force field with the Portable Sonic Insect Repeller!
The Portable Sonic Insect Repeller is a tiny 75(L) mm x 25(dia) mm and features a pocket or belt clip, so you can attach it discreetly and enjoy a mozzie free barbecue or picnic.
There is no more annoying sound when you’re outdoors (or in bed at night) than the high-pitched buzz of a mosquito around your ears, this little gadget turns the tables on the little blighters by emitting a high-pitched sound that the mozzies can’t stand. So any self-respecting mosquito won’t come within 6 metres! Unless of course, they’re deaf.
It makes gardening, fishing trips, camping – in fact any outdoor activity a lot more enjoyable. And you can wear your Chanel No. 5 instead of an expensive and rather smelly chemical insect repellent!
Turn yourself from a mozzie magnet into a walking talking mosquito repellent with the flick of a switch, order the Portable Sonic Insect Repeller.