All the contents of a standard Universal bundle kit.
Plus a 5mt extension hose.
Plus Anderson plug on pump lead.
Plus Anderson plug on Alligator clamps.
Plus Anderson plug to 12V power socket assembly.
Plus Adventure Pumps hat (Choice of white or Navy Blue at point of sale).
Plus 4 way vandal proof tap tool (Not pictured).
TFGF Ultimate Australia Road Trip travel guide e-book, 140 pages of travel tips complied after 3.5 years full time family travel around Australia.
For ultimate flexibility in terms of power options IE Anderson, Alligator clamps + 12V socket.
When travelling in a group the pump kit can be shared between travel companions with varying power outputs.
Extension hose for pumping between vehicle mounted water bladder or tank to caravan when you can’t park the vehicle close enough to use the standard 2-meter pump hose.