Perfect for Happy Holidays - protecting your precious family.
The modular first aid kit is specifically designed to allow for quick and easy access to the 6 colour modules in the kits.
Size : 36 x 24 x 14cm.
- Gauze Swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm 3’s x 3.
- Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm x 3.
- Low Adherent Dressings 7.5cm x 10cm x 2.
- Low Adherent Dressings 10cm x 10cm x 1.
- Conforming Bandage 5cm x 2.
- Wound Dressing #14 x 1.
- Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 1.
- Burn Gel Sachets 3.5g x 8.
- Nitrile Examination Gloves, Pair x 1.
- Burn Dressing 10cm x 10cm x 2.
- PE Burn Sheet 10cm x 10cm x 1.
- PE Burn Sheet 20cm x 20cm x 1.
- PE Burn Sheet 60cm x 90cm x 1.
- Burns First Aid Card x 1.
- Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 1.
- Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 1
- Microporous Tape 1.25cm x 5m x 1
- Eye Pads x 6
- Eye Wash Ampoule 15ml x 10
- Eyewound Treatment Card x 1
- Nitrile Examination Gloves, Pair x 1
- Snake Indicator Bandage x 1.
- Nitrile Examination Gloves, Pair x 1.
- Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm x 1.
- Low Adherent Dressings 7.5cm x 10cm x 1.
- Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm x 1.
- Snake Bite Treatment Leaflet x 1.
- Heavyweight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 1.
- Nitrile Examination Gloves, Pair x 1.
- Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm x 1.
- Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm x 1.
- CPR Face Shield x 1.
- Wound Dressing #15 x 1.
- Combine Dressing 10cm x 20cm x 1.
- Emergency Rescue Blanket x 1.
- Instant Ice Pack 80g x 1.
- Amputated Parts Bag x 3.
- Gauze Swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm 3’s x 1.
- Plastic Plasters 7.2cm x 1.9cm x 25.
- Premium Fabric Plasters 7.2cm x 1.9cm x 25.
- Antiseptic Spray 50ml x 1.
- Nitrile Examination Gloves, Pair x 1.
- Gauze Swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm 3’s x 1.
- Cleansing Wipes x 10.
- Splinter Probes (single use) x10.
- Conforming Bandage 5cm x 1.
- Stainless Steel Scissors x 1.
- Tweezers 12cm x 1.
- Microporous Tape 2.5cm x 5m x 1.
- Notebook and Pen x 1.
- Safety Pins x 12.
- Low Adherent Dressings 10cm x 10cm x 1.
- Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm x 1.
- First Aid Leaflet x 1.